Cristofano Allori (1577 – 1621)
Italian Baroque Artist Cristofano Allori was born in Florence in 1577. He took his education from his father, Alessandro Allori. Cristofano Allori moved away from Manierism during the developmental period and was interested in Bologna School. Allori, a contemporary of Caravaggio, painted under the influence of the wife of Cosimo di Medici, who died between 1616 and 1618. In the same period, Allori made a picture called “Judith with the Head of Holofernes” which caused her to leave a mark as one of the most important painters of the period. She usually included dramatic subjects in her pictures and worked with great care.
In addition to using light and shadow in her paintings with unmistakable skill, Allori has reinforced the dramatic air by collecting figures in the frontal plane of the picture. It is not possible to see this dramatic air created by the skillful use of light and shadow in their portraits. His pictures are distinguished by their close adherence to nature and the delicacy and technical perfection of their execution.
Cristofano Allori’s works are currently exhibited at the Detroit Institute of Arts and the Hermitage Museum.
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