Bouquet Of Chrysanthemums by Pierre Auguste Renoir was created in 1881. The painting is in Metropolitan Museum of Art New York. The size of the work is 66 x 55,6 cm and is made of oil on canvas.
Renoir felt that he had greater freedom to experiment in still lifes than in figure paintings. “When I paint flowers, I feel free to try out tones and values and worry less about destroying the canvas,” he told the writer Georges Rivière. “I would not do this with a figure painting since there I would care about destroying the work.”
About the Artist: French artist and Impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born in Limoges, Haute-Vienne, France. Although Renoir displayed a talent for his work, he frequently tired of the subject matter and sought refuge in the galleries of the Louvre. The owner of the factory recognized his apprentice’s talent and communicated this to Renoir’s family. Following this, Renoir started taking lessons to prepare for entry into Ecole des Beaux Arts… read more
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